среда, 10 января 2018 г.

Криптовалюта «Сибирский Червонец» – твоя персональная золотая жила

Надоели посредники и прочие личности, богатеющие за чужой счет? Забудьте о них! Вашему вниманию представлена децентрализованная платежная система «Сибирский Червонец» (SIB). Без посредников и перекупов! Регулировочные функции осуществляются посредством функционирования общедоступного математического алгоритма.
Что это значит? Расчеты производятся по принципу «от пользователя к пользователю», напрямую. Соответственно, между вами формируется распределенная сеть. Любые транзакции сохраняются в сети, обновление происходит мгновенно.

Приоритет доверия: вы сами решаете вопросы эмиссии!

Что такое эмиссия? По сути, это выпуск ценных бумаг. «Сибирский Червонец» – это система, в которой участники самостоятельно решают, сколько червонцев они будут выпускать сегодня/завтра/через полгода.
Но! Во избежание распыления ценных активов общая эмиссия и порядок взаиморасчетов строго контролируются алгоритмами системы. А также:
  1. Вы всегда будете в курсе параметров и статистики сети «Червонца».
  2. Соблюдается банковская тайна.
  3. Используются современные отечественные криптографические средства защиты.

Принцип свободной конвертации: хочешь вывести? Выводи прямо сейчас!

Напомним, что стоимость одного червонца определяется в процессе торга на бирже. Никто лично не решает, сколько сегодня будет стоить червонец. Если сейчас вы видите ценник в 10 000 рублей, то завтра он может подняться до 14 000 рублей. Все решает мистер Рынок. Цена зависит от спроса и предложения.
Любые операции с червонцами вы можете осуществлять по своему усмотрению: купля/продажа доступна на бирже, через обменники, из рук в руки. Как угодно.

Насколько это все безопасно?

Сеть характеризуется двухуровневой структурой, по типу DASH. Так, здесь представлены свои мастерноды, которые подтверждают транзакции через достижение консенсуса. Благодаря им достигается быстрота проведения транзакций, + это дополнительная защита от 51% атак. Почему так происходит? Потому что майнеры обычно дают подтверждение только для новых транзакций и переводов, оставшихся после мастернод. Так обеспечивается безопасность использования монетных сервисов. Напомним, что в 90% все-таки консенсуса удается достигнуть. На данный момент в сети числится больше 9 000 мастернодов.

Мастерноды – это серверы, которые функционируют всегда онлайн, ежедневно и круглосуточно.

Как это работает?

Всего доступно порядка 3 формы по работе с червонцами. Желаете сделать перевод или получить средства? Тогда используйте:
  • Программу-кошелек, предварительно установив ее на свой девайс;
  • Онлайн кошелек;
  • Форма наличных. Это специальный кошелек, защищенный кодом. Средства из него могут переводиться на любые электронные кошельки.
Интересно, что червонец может быть выпущен в печатной форме! В таком случае его можно просто распечатать и убрать в сейф. И возможность кражи будет сведена к нулю!
Планируется использовать децентрализованный обменный сервис, который работает со всеми популярными блокчейнами и маркетплейсом по принципу OpenBazaara. Соответственно, будет обеспечиваться быстрый доступ к сети через приложения. Далее запланирован выпуск дебетной карты, которая будет привязываться к кошельку с червонцами.

суббота, 16 февраля 2013 г.

History of vases (Lada)

"VAZ", "Volga aVtomobilny plant» (VAZ), a Russian company specializing in the production of passenger cars "Lada", "Harmony" and "Field" (off-road). Its headquarters are in Togliatti (Samara region). Construction of the plant began in 1967. The Council of Ministers appointed a deputy. Minister automotive VN Polyakov General Director of the plant under construction, and the chief designer of the VAZ Solv'yev. First and foremost, designed to produce 220 thousand cars a year, was commissioned in 1971. The basis for the production of a subcompact five-seater body "VAZ-2101" was taken "FIAT-124." Power four-cylinder engine is 60 liters. a., maximum speed - 140 km / h "Lada" conceived as the people's car, which is at a relatively low price could saturate the "insatiable" Soviet market. But designers and factory engineers and mechanics in the future faced with many problems that have prevented effective problem-solving. Immediately had to abandon the idea of ​​affordable cars for the average person. With each new model, the price of "Lada" significantly increased. However, the problem of saturation of the market to some extent solved, because the goods "vase" does not lie (in the late 70's there were "Lada" with a body "versatile"). In addition, in 1977, a new all-wheel drive model "Niva" - VAZ-2121. Nevertheless, the process of improvement "Lada", and then in 80 years the export version of "Harmony" never stops printing. During the Soviet period of mastered the production of nine models, among which the most popular are, except the first, sixth and ninth leading the front wheels of the model ("six" is available so far, its gradual replacement of "tens" began in 1997). VAZ-2102 - a classic five-door hatchback the first family, the back door opens upwards, produced in the years 1972-1986. At one time he deservedly received the glory of "best friend" of the Soviet summer resident, which eventually passed to his successor in the person of the VAZ-2104. In 1972, AvtoVAZ has launched a more powerful version of "Lada" - VAZ-2103, which was perceived by many as a brand new, more powerful and comfortable model. Of course, for the vast majority of the population - a much more prestigious and expensive. In fact it was only a modification of the "Lux" fully complies FIAT 124 Speciale 1968, construction of which processed the same way as the base FIAT 124 has become a VAZ-2101. Development of its production envisaged agreement with the concern FIAT later base models, and for its configuration provided for the 1.5-liter engine in the 2103 with 77 hp When in 1976 at a plant in Togliatti mastered the production of the VAZ-2106, which was redesigned for the local conditions of the RAT 124 Speciale sample in 1972, no one could imagine that she would become the most popular and mass production of the Volga car. Rover "Field" (WHA 2121/2123/21213/2131) caused a sensation in the world market in the late 1970's - early 1980's. Then the car was struggling with sales in the domestic market. And this is eternal shortage of cars in the former Soviet Union. In 1980 the car "VAZ-2121" was awarded a gold medal 53rd International Fair in Poznan. As once the "six" - was considered more prestigious than the VAZ-2103 and VAZ-2107 ("Seven"), issued in 1982, compared to the "five" was exclusive in itself. Since the end of 1984 five-passenger sedan VAZ-2104 classic layout belonging to the second generation of "classics", was replaced on the conveyor wagon "first" generation-VAZ-2102, but a year they produced together. Be brought to the public in late 1984, wedge "Samara" with a three-door hatchback was truly a landmark event for the Volga car, but also for local motorists. Model VAZ-2108 Satellite / Lada Samara has begun mass production of the country's front-drive cars. In 1987 the staff of the Volga Automobile Plant awarded "Gold Mercury" for his contribution to the development of production and international cooperation. This prestigious award was given VAZ the third time. Unlike its tribeswoman "eight" VAZ-2109 Satellite / Lada Samara, which began selling in 1987, is regarded as a more "solid" car for a family man - the effect of the presence of five doors and, as a consequence, less expressive face. Model VAZ-21099 Sputnik / Samara Forma is, in essence, "nine" with a four-door sedan. 1989 Foreign Trade Association "AvtoLADA" was awarded the international prize Council of Shopping leaders "Trade Liderz Club" for access to the leading positions in trade and contribute to national economic development of African countries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, AvtoVAZ, like all other domestic industrial giants, entered a period of a complete restructuring of its activities. Crisis was protracted, but by the mid 90's AvtoVAZ has managed to reverse the situation and gradually began to increase production. Mikrolitrajnyiy VAZ-11113 "Oka" more than a decade remains the cheapest domestic car. At one time it even predicted to be the people's car, and determines the place of its production giant industrial complex in Yelabuga, intending to end the long road deficit. But dreams and projects and octalis unenforceable, and so annoy AvtoBA3y assembly "Okie" was in the mid-1990s, finally transferred to the plants SeAZ (which became part of AvtoVAZ) and KamAZ. At the Paris Motor Show in 1994, was first presented the family of the "Ten" cars - VAZ-2110. Since 1998, the five-door extended assembly of VAZ-2111 - the first VAZ FWD wagon. In 1995, collected 16 million cars. Investment Exhibition on "Technologies of the Russian Federation", held in Rome in 1996, VAZ presented the rotary piston engine for small aircraft. In UPC collected 250th trade VAZ-2110. In 1997 at the motor show in Moscow, the presentation models, "2120", "2129" long wheelbase "Field" - "2329", "2131" and the sports model "21107." In the same year, the total number of automobiles was 730 thousand in the near future is expected to increase their production by 18 thousand. In 1998 came off the assembly line a new model in 2111, and the cars of the "tenth" of the family began to be equipped with the latest 16-valve engines. In the same year came the VAZ-2120 "Hope" - all-wheel drive seven-seat "mini-van", the distinctive feature of which is the original body with Sliding rear right door. Currently MZ-a relatively low quality "Lada" Russian markets seized avtofirmy Korean and Japanese. As a consequence, AvtoVAZ is taking steps to counter the market environment. In the short term AvtoVAZ joint production with the company, "Adam Opel AG" latest model "Opel Astra". Currently WHA produces over 50% of total passenger Russian cars. The future plans for 2003-2004. expected to produce a new family of models "Kalina" in the European size class "B". While there are three models: VAZ-1117 (Estate), VAZ-1118 (sedan) and VAZ-1119 (hatchback). Assumed the appearance and VAZ-1120 (OLA). The so-called platform family "Kalina" is unified with the "tenth" family, and the car is only slightly shorter. Base engine will be an upgraded 1.6-liter engine (the engine block engine VAZ-21083).

History of Komatsu

Komatsu - Japanese company, founded in 1921 Meitaro Takeuchi. The company Komatsu Ltd. formed as a spin-off company Komatsu Iron works Division, which appeared in 1917 and has been manufacturing and coal mining equipment. In his early work, the company was a Komatsu construction repair shop of various equipment, and later began to specialize in the production of construction machinery. In 1931 the company produced Japan's first agricultural crawler tractor. After 10 years under the name Komatsu was started large hydraulic presses. In 1943, the company's specialists have developed and produced a machine for leveling ground Model-1. In 1947 came the first bulldozer Komatsu D50. In 1948, as many companies of the time, Komatsu engineers began studying technology diesel engines. In 1952 was started graders. Already in the 50's machinery Komatsu appeared in the Soviet Union. At the time, the Soviet Union cooperated with many Eastern producers, but the level of Komatsu products was much higher than the competition. In 1953, under the name of the company was started trucks, armored vehicles, forklifts, etc. After 3 years, there were trucks and ladle. In 1965 began the production of wheel loaders. In 1968, the company began to produce hydraulic excavators, and a year later established the first amphibious bulldozer. The company decided to expand its presence in the global market and in the 60-70's in Europe, Asia and the United States have started to work on the company's sales techniques Komatsu. In 1968 he started producing hydraulic excavators. In 1968 he opened an office in Russia. In those years there were commercial offices in Brazil, France, Germany, Vietnam, Italy, Thailand and other countries. It was also discovered several subsidiaries. So until the beginning of the new millennium, the company is expanding Komatsu: opening of branches, representative offices and dealerships across countries, lucrative contracts, finding partners and, of course, the production of various equipment and the modernization of the lineup. In 2001, the company has created a new brand Galeo, under which produced a new generation of construction machinery. In 2003, Komatsu was the main supplier of equipment to service projects on oil and gas in Russia. In 2004, there was several subsidiaries in different countries that began the manufacture and sale of trucks, equipment for the logging industry, the teeth for construction equipment, mini excavators, hydraulic equipment, power generators, forklifts, excavators mega PC3000. In 2005, it completed one of the largest acoustic testing laboratories in the world. Like most engineering companies, Komatsu cares about the environment and tries to release technique with minimal polluting emissions. So in 2005, the company's engineers developed advanced technology in engine «ecot3», the high standards of Japanese environmentalists. In 2007, built three new plants: two in Japan - Ibaraki and Kanazawa, and one in India - Chennai. In 2008, Komatsu made the presentation of the world's first hybrid hydraulic excavator. It was then organized by LLC "Komatsu Manufacturing RUS" and laid the foundation for this company plant in Yaroslavl. There will have to be made, excavators and loaders Komatsu. In 2010, the plant began its work. Now the company is continuing to surprise their discoveries and developments in the field of mechanical engineering, inventing new machinery and new models, which are essential in a variety of industries.

Kia History

KIA (Kia Motors Corporation) - South Korean car company with a rich history. Initially the firm, known to all as the KIA, called KyungSung Precision Industry. May 15, 1944 it is not too easy for the European hearing the name was decided to replace the laconic KIA. The first syllable KI means "go global" and - "Asia". Headquartered in Seoul. However, the company was able to fully justify its name, expanding production and opening offices around the world. However, this was preceded by a series of stages of development of KIA. In 1952, it started the production of bicycles, initiating the formation of KIA as an industrial group. The company's products in high demand, so the decision was made on the construction of a second plant in Shayhunge. It opened in 1955. In 1957 KIA launched its first scooter. October 1961 was marked by the start assembling bikes. 1971 was an important milestone in the development of the company - was launched trucks. In June 1973, the new plant began production of KIA cars - is the most important stage of the company. The next month, July, there was another significant event for KIA - was the start of production of petrol engines. In 1974, the factory began assembling KIA cars Mazda 323 licenses for the Japanese company Mazda. At the same time, it started the production car, "Breeze." 1979 was the starting point for the two most important activities of the company KIA: started production of diesel cars and licensing models Peugeot 604 and Fiat 132 for the Korean market. In 1983 KIA signed a partnership agreement with the Japanese car manufacturer Mazda. In the same year range KIA added a new model - a truck Ceres. 80 years of the twentieth century were marked by the financial crisis, which pushed the KIA to fill this niche, as the production of low-cost cars. Thus, in 1987, the company released a budget model Pride. In 1990, the company changed its name to KIA Motors Corporation («KIA Motors Corp. '). In general, the 1990s were a time of large-scale and dynamic development of the company, was marked by the global expansion. Thus, a balanced and well thought out financial policy given the opportunity KIA in the early 90s to the European market. In addition, the company continued its active development in Asia. As a result, in October 1991 at the motor show in Tokyo for the first time presented models and KIA Sportage KIA Sephfia, received high praise and positive feedback from expert users. Using advanced technologies, combined with high reliability and bright, memorable design was the cause of popularity and acceptance Kia Sportage. An independent research company IntelliChoice consumer market for two consecutive years this model conferred the title of "Best Car of the Year." In 1993, KIA Motors Corporation introduced to the European market model Sephia, created by Mazda 323. However, the sale of this car received until 1998, having undergone a lot of changes. In 1995 he released a new model KIA Elan (Roadster), demonstrating it in Tokyo. In the same year appeared sedan Kia Clarus, assembled by Mazda 626. In April 1996, this model went on sale in Europe. In spring 1997, in Seoul, the company KIA Motors Corporation first introduced the concept car - Retona, compact all-wheel drive off-road. In addition, the year 1997 was marked by the opening in Kaliningrad Russia's first plant to produce cars KIA. The end of 1990 was marked for KIA new partnership. Thus, in December 1998 a majority stake KIA Motors Corporation transferred to the company Hyundai («Hyundai"). And in 2000, KIA has entered into a strategic alliance with Hyundai already and concern Daimler Chrysler («Daimler Chrysler"). In 1999, the market was a new KIA Avella / Delta, created by Mazda 121 (up to 1997, this model was called the Ford Aspire in the United States and Ford Festiva in Asia). Also in 1999, the presentation of Kia Carnival minivan in Europe. Another, more compact minivan - Carens - at the same time was presented at the Motor Show in Frankfurt am Main. Currently, the lineup includes models of minivans KIA Carens, Joice and Carnival. Beginning of the XXI century was marked by concern for KIA the market launch of many new cars. Thus, in 2000 lineup of cars KIA replenished Visto, Rio, which expanded the range of models Korean group to 13 pieces. At the 2001 Paris Motor Show was presented the new sedan Magentis, featuring the best value for money. In 2002 took place just three premieres - entered the market Sorento, Optima and Regal. 2003 became a landmark KIA Motors Corporation - produced more than 10 million vehicles. In the same 2003, the year began assembling model KIA Cerato. Moreover, the beginning of the new millennium was marked by international recognition KIA. American Association of National Highway and Traffic Safety Agency has awarded model KIA Sephia title "The safest car in the industry." At international exhibitions and showrooms products KIA - including cars Sephia, Sportage and KEV-4 - highly appreciated by experts. In 2007, the British Institute of Transport Management has called KIA Motors Corporation's largest car manufacturer. In the same year began production model Kia 'ceed, focused especially on the European market and achieved the further positive experts and popularity among consumers. In recent years, KIA is one of the most dynamic and fast growing companies in the world. The company's staff has more than 33 thousand people. KIA products represented in 170 countries.

History of Jaguar

History of Jaguar «Jaguar Cars Ltd.» Begins c 20's of the last century. In 1922, William Lyons (Sir Lyons William) and his partner, William Walmsley (Sir Walmsley William) founded the company Swallow Sidecar (abbreviated SS) in the northern seaside town of Blackpool (Blackpool), which initially specialized in manufacturing carriages for motorcycles. Very stylish aluminum wheelchair Swallow soon came to the attention of motorists. Deciding not to stop there, the talented and enterprising William Lyons decides to try a new direction - the Body Swallow. The first achievement of the company in this area was the development of the car body «Austin 7", thanks to which the company William Lyons received an order for 500 such bodies. The funds and the growing reputation enabled Swallow Sidecar Company established in the market design of the body, making them in future models Fiat, Morris, Swift, Standart and Wolseley. In 1931, due to increased production took moving company from Blackpool to larger manufacturing facilities in Coventry (Coventry). William Lyons began to design their own cars, fueling addiction seater sports model, which brings the company another success at the motor show in London. SS 1 car, the chassis and body design of which have been fully developed Lyons, was recognized as the most athletic of all the models Swallow. From a list of names of birds and animals, representing the speed and power, combined with the beauty and grace of his first-born Lyons chose Jaguar. SS 1 car later became the prototype model SS 1 Tourer with an open top, which is called the first truly a sports car Jaguar. In the early 40s of automotive production company Swallow was suspended in connection with the beginning of World War II. All car manufacturers, including the company Swallow Sidecar, were actively involved in the performance of military government orders. 1948 marked the restart of auto production. Swallow Sidecar Company changed its name to Jaguar Cars Ltd. The extraction of the revolutionary 2 - and then 4-cylinder engine Jaguar. The new series of Jaguar cars called "X" (from the word «experimental»), later known as the series of car XK. In 1948, the company expects more success at the London Motor Show, where all eyes of motorists caught first introduced Jaguar XK120. Supplied with Heynes 105 hp, this car easily developed speed 126 km / h and was recognized as the fastest production car of. In the 50's were produced cars Jaguar XK Mark V, Mark VII., Jaguar XK140. From 1950 to 1960 the company won the U.S. market, where the model Jaguar XK150 and XK150 Roadster, with engines from 2.4 to 3.8 liters and 220 hp a great success. Ask for cars Jaguar was so great that it became necessary to open another plant for the production of Jaguar at Browns Lane (Browns Lane). The fifties were marked by a succession of sports victories Jaguar. Model C-Type and D-Type, equipped with engines adapted XK, for seven years, winning sports race in Le Mans (Le Mans). Jaguar team success and winning the Grand Prix at the championship in 1959, 60, 63, and '65 is a name forever linked with the history of victories in automobile competitions. In 1956, Queen Elizabeth II of England, William Lyons awarded the title of Royal Designer of the automotive industry. He was also awarded the title of Knight of the Royal for a great contribution to the development of the automobile industry of the country. In 1961, Jaguar's design team began work on a car receiver D-Type. Predatory bends of this racing car transformed into a stylish, sensual body lines of the legendary E-Type, XK engine equipped with a volume of 3.8 liters and an all-new rear suspension system. Jaguar E-type, one of the hot favorite cars in the history of Jaguar, is considered one of the most brilliant exponents of innovative thinking, style and advanced technology of the time. 1961 Jaguar XK E-Type caused a sensational success at the exhibition in Geneva. In 1962 Jaguar Mark X car will be successful in the U.S. automotive market. In 1968, a new sedan Jaguar XJ6 (with six-cylinder engine), which won many awards, including the title of "Car of the Year." A little later, in 1971, there was a Jaguar XJ 12 with a 12-cylinder engine producing 311 hp, which for many years was the most powerful version of the engine Jaguar. In 1975, there was Jaguar XJ-S, equipped with suspension E-Type, with a modern four-seater cabin and a powerful 12-cylinder engine. He continued the tradition of sporting Jaguar, winning the world championship in 1977 and 1978. In 1986, the car was presented XJ6 c advanced 24-valve aluminum engine AJ-6 and more modern electronic system that included an on-board computer. The ongoing work to improve the quality of cars Jaguar has led to the revival of traditional 6-cylinder sports car Jaguar. The real sensation of British Motor Show 1988 was the Jaguar XJ220. The first version of this car was created by Cliff Ryudellom (Cliff Rudell), and was then further developed Helfetom Keith (Keith Helfet) in 1987. The final version of the car was presented at the 1991 Tokyo Motor Show. This legendary car, limited edition - only 280 copies, and is now a cherished dream of many car collectors in the world. Also in 1988, the opening of the unit Jaguar Sport, engaged in the development of sports prototypes based stock car Jaguar XJ family 220. Years 1991-94 were a period of development of a new range of Jaguar. In 1993 the plant at Browns Lane, which was built in the 50s, was promptly rebuilt for the new series of XJ. The new V12 engine with a volume of 6.0 liters is more powerful, modern and cost-effective than its parent Daimler Double Six.

History iveco

History of one of the world's largest multinational corporations IVECO began in November 1974 when it signed an agreement with German engineering concern Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz, KHD on allocation from its automotive department of Magirus-Deutz and transfer it under the management of the company FIAT. The merger formed a holding company for the production of commercial vehicles, got the famous name now IVECO. It stands for "Car Corporation Industrial» (Industrial Vehicles Corporation), abbreviated IVECO. Formally, it was an alliance between the two companies - Magirus-Deutz and FIAT, but at last it came to concern the Italian division of the company OM and Lancia, a French division also FIAT France SA, is a known company Unic. Thus, from the start holding IVECO headquartered in Amsterdam, was the actual union of the five long-established car manufacturers: Italian OM (founded in 1906.) And Lancia Veicoli Speciali (founded in 1906.) Cargo division of Italian company Fiat Veicoli Industruali (based in 1899.), and the French company Unic (production truck with 1904.) and German Magirus-Deutz (founded in 1864.). In order to preserve the best features of each company, it was decided that the company will specialize in the same thing, what did you do before the merger. Magirus Deutz - manufacturer of fire trucks and construction trucks - continued its direction: Trucks Iveco Magirus often flashed in TV programs on the construction of the BAM and on other construction sites of different countries. A former grade as IVECO Magirus fire engines remained at that plant produces up to now. French Unic only engaged in the manufacture of engines: as for their vehicles, and for other companies. And now, in the south of France in Burgundy Iveco Unic produces high-performance engines Cursor, which are equipped with tractors Iveco EuroTech, EuroStar and Iveco Stralis. In the first year, total production reached IVECO incredible value - 95 thousand cars. IVECO Group has at its disposal a huge and very diverse program of trucks of different classes and was significantly different from each other structures that had to be hastily put in order. The activity began with IVECO discontinued almost half of the total range, non-parallel issue identical machines in different countries. First own design is light series IVECO Daily GVW 3,1-4,5 m, developed at the plant in Brescia and was released in 1978. It was one of the first in the world designed specifically families light commercials vehicles mass production. The first light truck Iveco was the smallest and maneuverable truck in Europe. Another factor in its success was the groundbreaking for the time the car's design. In the following years, Iveco signed a contract to produce a series of Iveco Daily (Iveco Turbo Daily) with a Chinese manufacturer of light trucks Nanjing Motor Co. In 1986, the concern became English freight division of Ford and the Italian manufacturer of trucks «Astra». In the 80 years, a family of heavy IVECO: the production was launched truck TurboStar, equipped with engines of 330 or 420 liters. with. Distinctive features of the new model are more comfortable and high cab with improved suspension system and engines - the new Turbo-Aftercooler displacement of 13.8 liters, the 8210 six-cylinder capacity of 330 liters. with. and eight-cylinder V-engine turbo 8280 displacement of 17.2 liters and 420 hp During these years, completed the formation of the holding institution IVECO: all stock and all power went to the concern FIAT. Since that time, most of the cars were produced under a single brand IVECO. Strengthened its position, the concern IVECO began a second phase of expansion, acquiring other firms and organizing new assembly production. So, in 1991, became part of the Group's Spanish carmaker Pegaso, the facilities of which branded IVECO buses were produced. In 1991, the Group entered into the British manufacturer Seddon Atkinson Group, which had a long experience in the production of large commercial vehicles permissible gross weight of 17 to 44 tonnes Iveco concern was the fifth-largest truck manufacturer in the world. The following 1992 Iveco swallowed leading automaker Australian company ITAL (International Truck of Australia Ltd) and secured a presence in the markets of South-East Asia. In the same years in Turkey to open another subsidiary group under the name of Kos Group. In India, in collaboration with a Chinese company Hinduja Group, IVECO acquired control of the second largest car manufacturer in the country - Ashok Leyland. In April 1994, an agreement was signed with the Russian company "UralAZ" (Miass, Chelyabinsk region.) On the production of large trucks to operate in the Far North. Released bonnet truck Ural-IVECO-5531 with two or three major axes. The new car is a joint venture URALAZ-IVECO-6329 is available in several versions, including flatbed trucks with short and long cab and sleeper. Cars URALAZ-IVECO equipped with diesel engines of 370 hp In 1995, China had established a joint venture with Naveco for production and sales scale models Daily, and in 1996 - a joint venture with Haveco for transmissions for cars Daily. Genuine IVECO vehicle assembly was arranged in Argentina, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Chile, Ethiopia, Zaire, Vietnam, and China. IVECO manufactures and fire engines: the production of fire trucks are the German company IVECO-Magirus and Italian Baribbi. Interestingly, the Magirus begins as a manufacturer of fire fighting equipment: fire pumps Magirus first came into being in 1865, and the first truck - only in 1918. And even then Magirus worked with Russia: the very first released in 1913, rotating fire escape was shipped to Moscow! Fire trucks IVECO concern still wear brand Magirus. And one of the biggest contracts the company has become a row in 1974 for the supply of 10,000 "Magirus" in the Soviet Union. Recent history confirms the concern held within the past 15-20 years of technical policy, allowed the joint efforts of many companies to develop and put into production some of the best trucks IVECO. In the nineties, has been launched another big series cars IVECO Euro truck market sector for the maximum permissible weight of 6 tons to official approval to the time limit for cars in this class. The design of the cars in this range use high-tech, innovative design, from the cockpit and ending with disc brakes on all wheels of the easiest medium trucks. Euro range represented by the following models: heavy-duty trucks EuroTech and EuroStar, off-road vehicles EuroTrakker, and medium-duty trucks EuroCargo. The first major international success came IVECO in 1992, when the trucks EuroCargo been awarded the title of "Truck of the Year", and in 1993 he received the baton EuroTech. In the seventeen years of the prestigious award that was the first time two years winners novilis-hundred trucks of the same manufacturer. In 2000 at the International Motor Show in Amsterdam IVECO Daily have been awarded "Van of the Year." In 2001 IVECO and Renault announced a joint project under which IVECO had to acquire 50% stake in Irisbus Holding, owned by Renault. This transaction provided IVECO controlling interest Irisbus Holding, a Spanish company, controlling all production of buses Iribus Group. To date, IVECO Irisbus City Class is the most widely buses in Italy (5,000 buses). Open top bus City Class joint venture with Trambus Open, providing travel services to Rome. Double decker bus with an open top, rightly considered the most convenient for exploring the historical and architectural monuments in cities with busy traffic. For this reason, most of the European capitals in the world use the tourist bus route in its class, allowing to appreciate the beauty of the city. The strategy for the globalization of production in China IVECO created a joint venture for the production and sale of buses. 50% of the new company owned by IVECO, 50% - Changzhou Bus Company. With the establishment of a joint venture with IVECO new company will begin production of the three series of buses - minibuses, buses and coaches - equipped chassis, engines and mechanical parts, designed by specialists IVECO. IVECO company is one of the largest multinational corporations, offering a full range of vehicles and engines. Iveco owns brands: Iveco, Iveco Motors, IVECO Magirus, Astra, Seddon Atkinson, Irisbus and today Iveco - multinational concern, which includes 49 plants and 15 research centers in 19 countries on five continents. Iveco is one of the largest and fastest growing manufacturers of trucks in the world (6th in the world in terms of production of trucks and 2nd place in terms of the production of diesel engines.) Concern Iveco produces: Trucks Daily (gross weight 2.8-6m), EuroCargo (gross weight 6-16t), Stralis (gross weight over 16 tons) and Trakker heavy traffic conditions. Engines for vehicles and industry. Passenger vehicles. Special vehicles. Firefighting vehicles. IVECO annually produces and sells on the world market of more than 160 000 trucks and more than 430,000 engines. The annual turnover of up to 9 billion euros. For customers IVECO employs 32,000 employees, operating 49 plants in 19 countries, 15 research centers and 844 dealerships.

History Isuzu

Isuzu - Japanese aVtomobilnaya company, one of the world's largest manufacturer of medium and heavy trucks and buses. The history of the company began in 1916, when the industry group was formed Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Will start producing a car pastors. The first passenger car modeled on the British "Managed" company collected in 1916. Start truck assembly at the company was laid in 1918, the first released model called A-9. Total Japanese design was born in the "Ishikavadzima" in 1928. All models of this brand called "Sumida". Following the merger in 1933, Ishikawajima Automotive Works with the company Dot Automobile Manufacturing Inc. Alliance was named to Automobile Industries Co., Ltd., and released in the same year for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, was named truck Isuzu - allegedly in honor of one of the rivers of Japan. The following year, 1934, Automobile Industries Co. founded the Committee for Research on diesel engines - it was part of the labor policy of the then president of Tomonosuke Kano. And two years later, in 1936, was born the first in Japan diesel engine, air-cooled - DA6. This was a major breakthrough in the development of diesel engines in Japan. In 1937 Automobile Industries merged with two other companies and changed its name to Tokyo Automobile Industries Co., Ltd. After the Second World War, in October 1945, resumed production of gasoline and diesel truck truck TX40 TU60. TX61 trucks are widely used in post-war Japan in its recovery from the ruins. In 1949, the company received its current name Isuzu Motors Limited. In 1950, the company developed the first Isuzu in Japan V8 diesel engine, water-cooled DA80, and created a combustion chamber, direct injection with an improved design that has sparked interest in the automotive industry due to its improved performance. Having signed in 1953 an agreement on technical assistance with the English company Rootes, Isuzu launched its first passenger car and much more, is a copy of the English Hillman. In 1959 he published a two-ton truck Elf, which became a very successful sold-saving diesel engine DA640 and excellent permeability in combination with a load capacity and durability. In 1961, Isuzu introduced the first diesel engine for passenger cars - DL201 volume of 1991 cc, for which he received an award from the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1962 - Fujisawa plant opens, and the following year was presented to passenger car and much Bellett. In 1966, the department was established in Thailand in 1967 - before passenger car and much Florian and Japan's first 4-stroke diesel engine with direct fuel injection for trucks. 1968 - occurrence passenger model 117 Coupe. In 1971, Isuzu has sold its 34.2 per cent share of the American corporation General Motors. As a result of this cooperation, in 1974 he released passenger car Pick Gemini. In 1975 he founded the Isuzu Motors America - an office in the U.S.. 1977 - Launch of Florian with economical diesel engine, and in 1979 - the same year the diesel Gemini. 1980 - Produced a series of vans Fargo. 1981 - the introduction of the Piazza (3-door coupe). 1983 - launch of the sale of the family car and car smuggle Aska (Florian). Aska in the same year won first place in the British Rally RAC. Its first SUV Isuzu made in 1985 - it was Rodeo Bighorn, which export to find another name - Trooper. This model competes with the Mitsubishi Pajero, the similarities in design decisions obviously, but the new Pajero has gone far ahead, so that Isuzu will have to catch up. In 1989, a demonstration of a new type of SUV - MU (Amigo). The plant SIA (a joint project with Subaru - Subaru-Isuzu Automotive Inc.) In the U.S. in 1990 the production of the Rodeo. Models Amigo / Rodeo / MU / Wizzard second generation (since 1998) are classified as "parquet" SUVs. Even the base version is a rear wheel drive. The name reflects the abundance of the large number of markets in which it sells adapted to local conditions of the model. In the 90 series wins Isuzu rally victories. By this time, the production of medium and heavy trucks Isuzu became the first in the world. In 1997, a new model - VehiCross, SUV based on the Trooper, with a 3.2 liter engine capacity of 215 hp Two years later VehiCross debut in the U.S. market. At the Frankfurt Motor Show 1999 was based on the concept VehiCross open body (and special Carriers for mountain bikes), and in 2000 he made his debut in Detroit five-door version. In 1998, a company in crisis turns production of passenger car pastors. It produces much more car for the company Opel terrain Frontera. At the same time the mass production truck Elf CNG, compressed natural gas. At that time, General Motors increased its stake in Isuzu to 49% and started operating a branch in Poland - Isuzu Motors Polska. That SUV (SUV), minivans and vans commercials are now the basis of production Isuzu car nines full weight up to 3.5 tons This series pickups TFS (4x2) and TFR (4x4). In Europe, they are known as the Opel Campo and Vauxhall Bravo. For the United States, and Latin America is pickup Hombre, in fact variant Chevrolet S-10. Size and equipment cabins are identical Chevrolet. In the promising market minivans represented Isuzu Fargo Filly - analog "luxury" Nissan Elgrand. If the first sold in North America, the other - mostly in Japan. Delivery van and minibuses Fargo Van / Fargo Bus, as well as a new family of Elf UT only produce for the domestic Japanese market and for export are not available. The model is fully consistent Fargo Van Nissan Urvan, and richly equipped passenger Fargo Bus differ from the model lighting and exterior design elements. Complete range of commercial car nines full weight up to 3.5 t vans, vans, pickup trucks and trucks series ERV, cabover Elf NHR-/ NKR-series. Entitled Elf 100 in the U.S. and Japan are selling trucks Nissan Condor / Atlas. In 2000, the U.S. began the production of diesel engines by DMAX, Ltd., And was founded General Motors Isuzu Commercial Truck, LLC. In May 2001, has been announced a new interim business plan Isuzu - V-Plan. Duramax diesel engine 6600 was selected as one of the 10 best engines in the opinion of a professional avtoizdaniya Ward's Communications (this has happened and the next, in 2002). Instead of the V-Plan, a new three-year business plan. Currently, Isuzu, in accordance with market demand will increase successfully develops diesel engines with improved environmental parameters. In accordance with the agreement reached between Isuzu and General Motors, Isuzu is actively working on diesel engines, performing the role of GM in the group expert in the field. Some time ago, Isuzu has announced a new line of full-size pickups Isuzu D-Max, developed with the active participation of the American company General Motors. This project, representatives of both companies as one of the most important parts of almost 30 years of cooperation between the two automakers. In addition, the success of this new product will determine the fate of the company Isuzu, recently experiencing some financial difficulties. Production car smuggle plan to deploy at the GM plant in Thailand, which in the beginning will be the main consumer of news from Isuzu. Incidentally, in this country the company Isuzu plans to fully migrate from Japan production of pickups and SUVs. In addition, this year is expected to begin shipping Isuzu D-Max for export to Australia. However, the Union Isuzu / General Motors, there are more ambitious plans. Beginning in 2003, new pickups should be on sale in other world markets in more than 100 countries, and on preliminary estimates, the total sales of new products may well reach a value of 500 000 a year car nines.